What is a WIBLA

WIBLA stands for Where-In-Between Lives Ambassador. There are two types of WIBLAs: geographic and topic. A Geographic WIBLA represents the particular country or region of the world where he or she lives. A Topic WIBLA is a member of a particular in-group related to the given topic. For example, a transgender male WIBLA would be a transgender male or a qualified expert. WIBLAs are strictly volunteer positions with no stipend or wages. WIBLAs will each get their own “about me” page and may be called upon to answer questions or provide an interview on a topic. If sufficient questions are received within a short time period, we may solicit our WIBLAs interest in doing a podcast or livestream. Obviously no WIBLA could, or is expected to, speak for an entire group, category, or people. The WIBLA role simply provides an opportunity to share one’s personal experiences regarding topics in an effort to educate viewers and readers. The end goal is straightforward: to provide opportunities for viewers and readers to “meet” real people from a particular place or group in order to move a topic away from abstract concepts which are easily distorted, misrepresented, or misunderstood to an experience associated with a real human being impacted by the issue in a meaningful way. While such an opportunity may seem one sided, it really is not. Helping viewers or readers clarify questions they have allows the WIBLAs group perhaps to see motivation to understand behind a question not meant to be mean-spirited. Depending on interest, the WIBLA role may expand to provide an outlet for those who like to write on a specific topic to be guest bloggers, regular contributors,, or co-host of a live cast.

Are you interested in being a WIBLA? Please fill out the form below with a brief message explaining your area of membership or expertise.

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